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HTHCV Teacher, APISA Advisor, MESA Advisor, & Mentor. 

Born in San Diego, Christina Payne is an 11th grade biology teacher, and has lived in Japan and Guam while growing up. In addition, she received her Bachelor's degree in Biology at San Diego State University; then, finished her teaching credential. In the past, she has worked in a cardiovascular research lab and had the opportunity to work on a cancer research grant.

When she isn't in the classroom, for fun she loves to hang out with her dogs and going to various yoga studios. Christina loves traveling, spending time outdoors, and painting.

If you are interested in any upcoming projects, want to look over the syllabus, etc. please check out the links above. 

HTHCV Winter Break
12.18.2021 - 01.04.2022
Junior Interview Day


HTHCV Festival del Sol
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